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  • Our Service

    With advanced scientific technologies, ECOLEET provides multidimensional services to improve your living environment.


    Rat is a kind of rodents and has over 450 species in the world. Being one of the oldest existing rodents, rats are great in viability, number, speed of growing and adaptability. Rats adapt to human living conditions very easily, thus becoming the most hazardous animal. Rats often appear in sewers, toilets and kitchens and move back and forth between locations that are clean and those with bacteria, transmitting pathogens on their feet, fur, as well as stuff in its stomach. Most common rats in China are rattus norvegicus, rattus flavipectus and mus musculus.

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    The hazard of rat
    • Rats can transmit zoonotic disease. They carry over 200 pathogens, 57 of which can cause human diseases, the most hazardous including plague, epidemic hemorrhagic fever and leptospirosis.
    • If blackouts happened due to rats that entered switch houses and bit the electric wires or those climbed into transformers causing short circuit, huge economic loss will be inevitable.
    Our advantage
    • Eradicating rats fundamentally by providing professional technical support and consultation, assisting and guiding on preventions.
    • Effective killing rats to maintain a manageable range using integrated management concepts as well as baits imported from Germany and tools imported from US.